This blog…

This blog is still, as they say, ‘under construction’. This construction work may be accompanied by the sounds of cursing and gnashing teeth rather than pneumatic drills and hammering. I work with InDesign in one of my jobs, so I’m used to being able to push pictures around and get text to flow at will. So why can’t I do that here? Grrrr… Grrrr… I took a website design course way way back in 2000, and I expect things have moved on since then. My ancient version of Dreamweaver lies in state within the stilled body of my late Mac…

While I’m trying to come to terms with all this, I’ll say hello in the meantime. Every writer should have a website or blog, I’ve heard. So here’s mine! I’ve enjoyed ranting to my friends on Facebook for a good few years, so perhaps this an opportunity to explore new many-coloured pastures of rantage.

It’s also an opportunity to let more people know that I’ll have a new book out in a few weeks from PS Publishing. So here’s the cover of Helen’s Story:

Helen'sStory cover_small

It’s available for preorder here:

PS also offers a signed jacketed edition, limited to 100 copies. And here’s a picture of the extra signed page that will be in it. It took me a while to find a pen with the right deep green colour for this.

Helen signing sheet_small

The signed edition is available at: