A time to tweet, a time to swear

tweeeeep2I resisted Twitter for a long time because I saw it as a prime procrastination outlet, similar to the one I find in Facebook.

However, I began to tweet for campaign groups a couple of years ago and enjoyed it. But there I had a defined brief. I tweeted on specific days about specific subjects, which stopped me from getting obsessed or giving into temptation to pile into arguments with well-known timewasters.

Campaign style, however, rules out swearing – and that’s fair enough. However, with recent events I’ve had an increasing urge to send out my very own sweary tweets.

So I’ve joined Twitter at last. I’m still finding my tweeting feet… But I can say that there’ll be a lot of tweeting about writing, reading and ranting. There may be occasional links to articles about quantum physics that I don’t understand.  And I’ll share plenty of music, satire and general geeky things.

Anyone who’s interested can follow me on Twitter here.

I’ll finish with a song by Dubioza Collectiva that I tweeted recently. Dosta! Enough!